Domenico Vacca Alligator $3,900 iPad Case: For The Douche Who Has Everything

Buon Giorno gentleman! Welcome! Ah! An iPad! It is a beautiful machine! Yes, gentleman I can help you. I have a nice piece of leather here we can make a… ah! You want it to be more, how you say in English? Ostepatious?

Ostentatious! Yes! Oh, no, gentleman, it will not be “over the tops!” It is a beautiful piece of the kroko. Ah, yes. The alligator. Yes, beautiful leather of the alligator. It will come in any of these colors. Yes, gentleman, it is not a problem to make it the color of your wife’s skin! What color? Ah, a photosnap. She is a nice shade of orange, I see. Of course. She is very beautiful, if I may say.

Of course. Of course. $3,900 each, gentleman. Of course. We will send five to your home in Tampa right away. Si. DHL. No, gentleman, FedEx does not come to our little village. Thank you, thank you. We will contact your assistant.

Ehi, Giuseppe, abbiamo venduto un altro di quei casi iPad alligatore! Sì! Lo stolto pensa di aver ottenuto un buon prezzo. Stasera si beve la grappa costoso!

via PhuketIndex

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