Virgin's Richard Branson Commits To Space Tourism Within Next 18 Months

Now there’s a man who knows how to enjoy being wealthy

Perhaps after Nasa well and truly runs out of money our astronauts should ring up Richard Branson? The British professional rich person says that he plans to launch commercial space travel—space tourism, in other words—within the next 18 months. What do I have to do to be on that first flight?

It won’t be cheap. The trip will start at $200,000, and you’ll be whisked into orbit aboard the White Knight Two, and SpaceshipTwo, the spacecraft that had its first flight back in March, will carry you once in orbit.

Branson has big plans for space.

He said at a business conference in Kuala Lumpur that he’s “looking at hotels in space,” perhaps on the moon. Hotels on the moon, people!

Granted, as neat as getting a hands-on with, say, a fancy new tablet is, it’s probably not as neat as saying, with all the seriousness of the world, “Hey, I think I can see my house from here!”

That would be my crowning achievement.

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