Bill Cosby, New Coke's Biggest Booster, Wants In On The New Digg

Comedian Bill Cosby of New Coke and Jello Pudding Pop endorsing fame is totally excited for the new Digg 4, so much so that he can’t wait a few of weeks for its upcoming launch and needs an alpha invite like NOW.

Cosby, who has been in the news recently for some interesting opinions on race, also could use the Digg founder’s help with his new iPhone app, Bill Cosby for the iPhone.

Lest you think some younger Diggnation-obsessed intern wrote the above missive, Cosby has the following disclaimer on his personal site, where you can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Ustream, Cinch, Vimeo, 12Seconds, Blogtalkradio but NOT Digg,“Twust me, it’s really me Tweeting!”

It being 11 a.m. PDT, I’m not yet drunk enough to fully explore the possibilities of making fun of this. However, CrunchGear’s Greg Kumparak offers this creative interpretation of the Cosby spam tweet:

Hey @KevinRose! where is my invite to the NEW Digg site? VIAGRA GOAT WEED 100% LEGAL NO PRESCRIPTION NECESSARY MEXICO.

I’ve emailed Kevin Rose and asked if he’ll end up sending Cosby an invite, stay tuned for updates.

Update: Rose responds, “Sending him an invite now!”

Thanks: Paul

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