Nokia Executive Vice President To Field Questions On Twitter Tomorrow

Do you have any burning questions for Nokia? (For example: “How many N900s did you guys sell?”, or “Is it really worth it to shell countless resources into building your own platforms at this point?”, or “What’s a Nokia?”)

Well, get’em ready — and make sure you’ve got a Twitter account. Tomorrow, Nokia’s Executive Vice President of Markets, Niklas Savander, will be taking questions from the Twitterverse on anything and everything, big or small. Well, probably not too big. He is limited to 140 characters, after all.

So, how do you get in on it? As far as we can tell, you just need to shoot your questions to @NiklasAtNokia sometime during the one-hour live Q&A session, which runs from 10-11am PDT (that’s 1-2 PM for all you Easterners, or 6-7 PM for anyone riding the GMT line).

Got a killer question for him? Share it in the comments below — the more people that ask it, the better the chance is that it’ll get answered.

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