Chartbeat Breaks The One-Million Mark

If you are not tracking your Website in realtime, you probably don’t know what is happening on your site—or you know too late to do anything about it. The idea behind betaworks startup Chartbeat is simply to give Website owners a realtime dashboard showing what is happening on the site right now.

Chartbeat tracks concurrent visitors, and this week it passed one million concurrent visitors across the 4,000 sites which use its analytics. These sites include TechCrunch, The New York Times, Groupon, and The Onion. This number is not one million visitors a month, or a million a day. It is one million visitors right now, and it has consistently been above the one-million mark most of this week. There is a dial on Chartbeat’s homepage which shows the total number of realtime visitors.

Chartbeat launched a little more than a year ago, and is completely addictive. I look at it several times a day to see which stories on TechCrunch are getting the most attention at any given time.

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