The "Popcorn Hand" lets you eat popcorn, protects your fingers from getting greasy (video)

Do you remember the “Potato Chip Hand” we’ve shown you earlier this year? The silly gadget allowed users to pick up potato chips and protected fingers from getting greasy when eating potato chip. And now maker Takara Tomy is giving us the “Popcorn Hand”, which does the same – but for popcorn.

Just use the slider on the Popcorn Hand to grab the popcorn and move it to your mouth. Much like with the Potato Chip Hand, this hand’s fingers are placed so that they don’t touch the table when you put it away (for hygienic reasons).

Takara Tomy plans to start selling the Popcorn Hand in three colors (see below) in October (Japanese street price: $8). Ask Japan- and US-based  import/export specialist Rinkya if you’re interested but live outside Japan.

Here’s a video I grabbed off YouTube (shot by CScout Japan):

Via IT Media [JP]

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