Sony likely returned to profitability in past quarter

Financially speaking, Sony had to go through some rough patches in the last few years. But if The Nikkei, Japan’s largest business daily, is to be believed, things are beginning to look brighter. Sony is seen bouncing back in the April to June quarter of this year, with a a group operating profit of $115 million to $345 million in that time frame.

The company suffered from a $296 million loss in the same quarter last year. According to The Nikkei, it was mainly radical cost cutting measures (which amounted to a whopping $3.8 billion) that helped Sony get back to the black.

The company has reportedly seen strong sales of computers (pictured: Sony’s Vaio P), digital cameras with interchangeable lenses, LCD TVs, and video cameras – especially in China and other emerging markets. What’s interesting is that both the cell phone and gaming segments seem to have returned to profitability, too.

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