Proporta takes advantage of your pain

Proporta, case makers to the stars, is offering 20% off some of its iPhone 4 cases if you return your free bumper case to them. Why would you do this? I’m not quite sure.

Proporta founder Guy Monson writes:

As a mobile device accessories company with over 3,000 cases, power solutions and screen protectors, we realise that a free case is a free case and that a lot of customers will still want fully surrounded protection. So we’d like to offer customers 20% off any Proporta Case or Screen Protector for the iPhone 4, if they return their bumper case to us, with the promotion code CASEFREE at

We generally like Proporta, but this move is baffling. After all, Apple will give you a free case no matter what. Perhaps Proporta is currently feeling a massive drop in sales as iP4 users flock to the Apple store for their perceived fix? Why not offer two for one? Oh well.

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