Video: Ubuntu running on a Nexus One

Do you remember a time when rocking an Android phone was all you needed for serious geek cred? Do you long for those days and all the fame that you garnered?

Well — pre-supposing you already own a Nexus One — you’ll be pleased to know that said phone can now run not just the geek’s choice of phone OS, but also the geek’s choice of PC OS: Linux.

That’s right, you can now run Ubuntu on your Nexus One. People far more geeky (and intelligent) than I, can probably see a need to have a Linux distro in their pocket. It may even solve a problem that they have. If you’re one of those people, this one’s for you.

But what if you’re one of those people and you own an EVO 4G? Well, lucky for you, work is under way on getting Ubuntu running on that, too.

Ubuntu runs alongside Android, so you don’t have to worry about installing a new ROM or anything. In fact, you just run it like you would a normal app.

But don’t take my word for it, check the video below.

Keen to give it a whirl? Full instructions (and another video) are available at Nexus One Hacks.

[via Talk Android]

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