Gresso injects some elitism into the iPhone 4, offers a 200-year old finish

Ah, the luxury phone market. A market I’ll never really relate to; while I get my thrills from finding things at the cheapest possible price, there are people out there that yearn to pay as much as they can for their goods.

Are you of that type? Are you craving something that exudes class, status, and elitism? Do you want something more than a normal iPhone 4 can give?

Gresso have you covered. Or, more correctly, your iPhone 4 covered. In 200-year-old African Blackwood.

Now, I don’t know much about wood, but I’m hoping that’s a really good one, because $3000 is a lot to pay for a coaster’s worth of carbon. Oh, ok: the Apple logo is admittedly made from 18 karat gold, so I guess there’s some justification there.

There will be two versions available: “iPhone for Man”, and “iPhone for Lady”, with the difference being the addition of Swarovski crystals (and an extra $500) to the “Lady” version.

There is no pre-order option, so make sure you mark your calendar for the December 2010 release.

[via Phone Arena]

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