Palm pays developers to create applications

Palm certainly has been working on getting their app store populated. They kicked off a promotion back in February, which is ending soon, and has resulted in over 400 developers splitting up their share of a million dollars. Palm is also trying to increase interest in their applications by offering a 50% discount on the majority of their catalog, starting immediately. The good news for developers is that they will still be paid the full amount, despite the discount given to customers by Palm.

In fact, Palm is working on pulling in even more developers. Palm is also working on encouraging application developers to submit new applications. Previously, there was a $50 fee charged for every application submitted. Palm is changing that policy, and no longer charging that application fee. They are even going so far as to refund the fee previously paid by developers. Definitely a far cry from certain other companies treat their application developers.

Palm is also starting a new contest this July, with another million dollars to be shared amongst developers, this time focusing on applications using C/C++ which was excluded from the last competition.

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