Palm loses their Ex-Apple PR Head, Lynn Fox

HP’s buyout of Palm may have won them webOS, but it doesn’t seem to have won them many friends within the company. There are only so many names within Palm that are so oft-mentioned that I could name them off hand — and of those, the talent seems to be disappearing left and right. First to go was interface mastermind Matias Duarte, followed shortly thereafter by Rich Dellinger, best known for coming up with webOS’ incredible notifications system.

And now, they’ve lost another; I’m hearing from an unshakably solid source that Lynn Fox, Vice President of Public Relations, left the company earlier this week.

Does the name sound familiar? It ought to — she was one of the handful of major talents that Palm managed to snag from Apple prior to the launch of the Pre, having served as Apple’s Director of Mac PR from 2006 to 2008 (and their Director of Corporate PR from 2000 to 2004.)

This is a pretty big loss for Palm, just days before their acquisition by HP is finalized.

So, where’s Lynn headed next? No one’s quite sure — including Lynn, it seems. On her Facebook profile, her current employer is listed as “Consult Until-I-Find-Another-Job Consulting, LTD”, with a description reading:

I respectfully declined the opportunity to join HP after its acquisition of Palm, so am looking for my next career adventure.

Go get’er, talent scouts.

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