Video: Hands on with the Sony Ericsson Xperia X8

Did you love what you saw when Sony Ericsson announced their mid-range Xperia X8 yesterday?

Are you longing for a little more than a few press shots and a photo of the various colours?

Have I got a hands-on video? Yes! Yes I do!

Well *technically* SE-First have the video, but I’ve embedded it for you at the end of this post!

Be warned though… the music is weak. Looking for something a little more action-packed? A little more blow-you-away? I was listening to this at the time, and it worked ok. What music would have you put with it? Let me know. I’m curious.

Anyway, if you’d like to see more of the phone, SE-First have a few more pictures, so go check ’em out.

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