Infectious presents community-designed iPad skins that you'll actually like

Infectious ran a contest for cool, community-designed graphics and came up with a set of iPad skins the I actually like. My fave? Probably the Gameboy model, shown above, or the pink Vader model that proves your manliness without being too overbearing.

Infectious runs a number of design challenges, asking great designers to come up with skins, t-shirts, and deck decals for a young, hip audience. While I am not part of that selfsame audience, I do know fun design when I see it and this stuff is pretty great.

We’ve been all over Infectious for months now and this latest crop is pretty cool. I’m trying to finagle a giveaway right now so check back here shortly. They launched in 2008 and have basically made it their mission to make you cool.

Tim from Infectious just offered us 10 iPad skins. Comment below with the name of your favorite skin to enter and we’ll pick 10 winners tomorrow at noon Eastern.

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