Greenpeace says Nintendo is the worst company on Earth, tells Dell to clean up its act

Greenpeace‘s relentless march toward reminding us that we’re killing the planet continues. The organization released its annual “Who’s Green?” list yesterday, and Nokia and Sony Ericsson get A+ marks, while Lenovo and Nintendo are, apparently, the dregs of society. Also on the wrong side of Greenpeace: Dell. The Texas-based company found itself on the wrong end of a rather impressive Greenpeace action yesterday. Oh, dear…

Greenpeace’s main issue with Dell is that the company promised, some time ago, to eliminate certain toxic chemicals from its manufacturing processes. Dell hasn’t honored its promise, said Greenpeace, so out comes the giant yellow scroll on the Dell building in Round Rock, TX.

It should be noted that no company is 100 percent green yet in the eyes of Greenpeace. Nokia is the closest with a score of 7.5/10.

The very worst? Nintendo with a score of 1.8/10.

Microsoft gets a 3.3/10 and Apple gets a 4.9/10.

The entire report is available for you to read here [PDF alert!]. Better make some tea beforehand: it’s a long one.


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