TC Disrupt Startup Alley: Knocking Live has 1.6M users, faster growth than Foursquare, Gowalla

Who’s nailed peer-to-peer live streaming video on smartphones such as iPhone and Android? It’s not Qik, Ustream or, it’s Knocking Live, an application by bootstrapped Point Heads Software. Interestingly enough, Knocking Live reached 1 million users faster than Foursquare or Gowalla did (see graph).

Pointy Heads released Knocking Live in December in collaboration with Sourcebits, and have since amassed 1.6 million downloads. They’re here at TechCrunch Disrupt‘s Startup Alley, among a plethora of other great companies.

The app has all sorts of uses, but one crazy guy decided to strap their iPhone to an RC Airplane and stream a live feed of the view from the sky. It’s as cool as it sounds. Hit the jump for the video.

Knocking Live is the first (and only, to my knowledge) peer-to-peer video sharing. You can use it to stream a live video feed from your iPhone’s camera to another iPhone (or Android) anywhere in the world. You don’t need an iPhone 3GS, you can have a 3G.

Here’s the video of streaming video from hundreds of feet up using an RC Airplane and an iPhone with Knocking Live:

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