Android 2.2 sets Android 2.1 on fire. From the friction. Because it's so fast.

Man oh man. While it may just be benchmark scores at this point, this kind of speed increase is nothing to snuff at.

Ian Douglas has run some benchmarks on his Froyo-powered Nexus One, and it’s scoring almost 5 times better.

To be a bit more specific, an Eclair-powered Nexus One usually scores around 6-7 MFLOPS in Linpack benchmarks, but this shiny new Froyo build delivers a blistering 38-40 MFLOPS.

The magic comes from the spankin’ new JIT compiler included in the Froyo build.

Now, as I said before, these are just benchmark results, so real-world performance will differ.

Android And Me point out that Android apps will probably have to be tweaked to take full advantage of the new compiler, so it could be a few months after release before Android users really start seeing a difference.

But, man, I’m excited.

Yesterday, a video showing off Flash 10.1 on a Froyo-powered Nexus One emerged. This bump in speed could explain how it was able to run so smoothly.

So, here’s to hoping that 2.2 makes it to my upgrade-shy HTC Hero.*

*yes, I have a European HTC Hero, and not a Sprint one, but I’m still plagued by the same upgrade-frustration…

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