Samsung: "Like our new phone? Play some dodgeball!"

Let’s try a little thought experiment here. Think about a new cell phone: it’s shiny, has a touch screen, and even a QWERTY keyboard. What else comes to mind when you think about that phone? What do you feel like doing?

If your answer to that last question was “play dodgeball”, then congratulations! You’re insane exactly the type of person Samsung is looking for!

To commemorate the launch of their Reality handset on Verizon, Samsung is attempting to set the Guinness record for the world’s largest game of dodgeball at the 69th Regiment Armory in New York. Over 1,500 potential dodgeball champions will square off, all for the glory of receiving a new phone (oh, and some gift cards). Having played with the feature phone already, it seems like this whole event is poised to be much cooler than the device it was meant to hype, but I’m sure that was the point. If you want in on the ball-slinging fun (unlike me, who was that one kid in gym class who pretended to sprain his ankle to avoid doing things), make haste to their Facebook page and sign up.

Ah, who am I kidding? I secretly hope a bunch of tech bloggers sign up, just to settle the score once and for all.

[Press Release]

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