Enclose your tub in a fire truck so your kids don't drown

Look, I love my kids as much as they next guy, but do we really need a tub enclosure that fits right over your old, big tub designed to ensure that your wee ones are easier to grab when they’re all lathered up?

This $2,200 “tub extender” was part of a bathroom fixture trade show, a show that I believe CG should definitely cover next year. Basically it helps you by bringing the wee ones a big higher out of the tub but why not just wash them in the sink if you’re having that big a problem?

I could see this as being valuable if you have back problems, for example. These are, incidentally, the same guys who make the walk-in tub for the old and infirm. If you’re interested, you can check out the styles at Safety Tubs. I’d personally love one shaped like a T-Rex mouth.

via DaddyTypes

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