Sprint schedules mandatory, company-wide meeting for March 31st

Here’s what we know: Come March 31st, all Sprint retail employees will be huddled around their computers, tuning into a meeting we’ve heard called “top secret”, “mandatory”, and “company-wide”.

Here’s what we don’t know: What its for. Even the retail managers don’t seem to know whats up. The current theory is that they’ll be discussing the EVO 4G (hopefully with some new details thrown in, like pricing and release date), and/or whatever changes are necessary (i.e. plan pricing) for their first 4G phone. Sprint doesn’t generally pull everyone away from the sales floor for nothing (that’s what memos are for), so lets hope it’s something worthwhile.

What do you think it is? Let us know in the comments below.

[Thanks as always, Joecrack305!]

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