1,000 lucky T-Mobile Cliq owners to get an early shot at a software update tonight

Got a T-Mobile Cliq? Feeling lucky? Be sure to stick around T-Mobile’s community forum today at around 6 PST. According to our buddies over at TmoNews and this screenshot they obtained, 1,000 quick-fingered Cliq users will be getting early access to a software update that the rest of the Cliq-bearing public won’t see until next week.

It’s not a massive update, so don’t get too excited — we’re not talking about a bumpgrade to Android 2.1 or anything. That said, the purported changes coming in this next are certainly welcome. Straight from the screenshot:

So how do you get it? Keep slammin’ that manual update button on your device a few minutes before 6, and be sure to keep an eye on T-Mobile’s forum for updates. Of course, you could also just wait until next week and let everyone else be the guinea pig.

[Via TmoNews]

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