Circuit City brick and mortar stores might live again

We all know the story: Circuit City Stores spiraled down from its high point in the late 90’s to bankruptcy in 2008 and then liquidation in 2009. Systemax then bought the rights to the brand a few months later and quickly relaunched Since then Systemax has been racking in the cash. So much cash in fact that Systemax is thinking about opening some Circuit City retail locations. Seriously.

Of course they won’t be the Circuit City stores of old, but there might just be a market for these locations as there has been a void in the retail scene since all the stores shuttered, leaving Best Buy as the lone national electronics retailer with Walmart picking up the slack. It’s unknown where or how many of these locations Systemax would open but chances it would replicate the CompUSA retail rebirth with only a small number of locations in one region.

We just wonder if Circuit City 2.0 could gain traction after its very public demise. Post-recession consumers tend to be a skeptical bunch. [CBBN via CEPro]

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