Kim Jong-il caption contest

Matt: “I see we just got the latest computer monitors. Take that, South Korea.”
Devin: “Zerg him, comrade”
John: “Our glorious gold farming initiative is the pride of the world.”
Dave: “What?? Doug left CrunchGear?”
Greg: “Our screens may not be bigger, but they are deeper. Take that, South Korea!”
Scott:”I always get sniped on de_dust, too. Don’t let it get you down, brother.”

The person who sends in the best caption, as judged by all of us, gets something from John’s box-o-stuff. We’ll close the contest on Monday at noon New York Time.

via The Big Picture where there are 30 more just as funny pictures.

UPDATE – The winner is Jack with his comment “Show me this “Two girls, one cup” that you speak of.” Congrats, Jack!

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