Iwatani Corp has an electric motor-bike that will never be released

Man alive, Twitter is blowing up right now at the expense of Real Madrid. That has nothing to do with the following story, but it had to be mentioned. The real story is: an electric motorbike! Is that any more exciting than Real Madrid being the laughingstock of Europe? I’d say no, but maybe six of you have any idea what I’m talking about. Back to the bike, then.

It’s created by Japan’s Iwatani Corp., and it’s powered by a lithium-ion battery+polymer electrolyte fuel cell combination. Hydrogen is stored in small cartridges, and if conditions are absolutely perfect, it can go about 45 km per charge.

It’s not really a proof of concept, per se, but the company doesn’t have any plans to commercialize the bike.

Again, for the zillionth time, I don’t know a damn thing about cars, so anytime I write about them or whatever, feel free to invest your time elsewhere, like Chatroulette or something.

via TreeHugger

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