Facebook accessibility issues in Turkey: technical glitch or censorship?

According to our tips inbox and complaints on Twitter and local blogs, popular social network Facebook has been unavailable to at least a subset of users in Turkey for a number of hours now, although it appears to be coming back up for some users in the last half hour or so.

Facebook being down for several hours in Turkey is a big deal, because the country is said to be the third largest on Facebook, at least according to comScore.

The question is: is this a technical issue limited to one country only, or did the Turkish government move to (perhaps temporarily) block access to the social networking service?

Turkish authorities regularly block access to sites like YouTube and MySpace when it is unhappy with the content that users generate and publish on such networks.

Any Turkish TC readers out there who can offer confirmation or more information?

We’ve reached out to Facebook to learn more about the (for some, ongoing) connection problems millions of Turkish users faced this morning and will update accordingly.

Update: Facebook confirms that some users were having difficulty accessing Facebook from Turkey, but that the issues appear to have been resolved now. The company hinted that there might have been an outage at Turk Telecom.

(Thanks to Ari Bencuya for the heads up)

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