Perpetual Calendar never needs replacing

What’s your yearly calendar budget? Five bucks? This $80 perpetual calendar will pay for itself in just 16 years! Think of all the calendar money you could save over the course of a lifetime. The amount is truly mind-boggling.

How does such a device work, you ask?

It comes with a magnetic chalk board and all the months of the year and days so you have a calendar at your hand at all times. It is also very decorative and you can use the chalk board to make notes. Change the month and set the days and you never need another calendar.

Magnets? I thought the month and days were digital and would change automatically. So it’s basically $80 and another monthly chore to go along with clipping your fingernails and washing your favorite pair of pants. They should call it the “Perpetual Calendar Provided You Change It Every Month, But Basically It’s an $80 Calendar That You’ll Use For One Month.”

But – BUT!!! – think of all the digital perpetual calendar battery money you could save over the course of a lifetime. The amount is truly mind-boggling. Sorry about this post. I really thought this thing was digital until it was too late. And there’s no turning back in blogging. You can’t just delete stuff.


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