It's just four days until International Pipe Smoking Day! Are you ready?

Hey, college kids and older men who need an affectation (I’ve never seen a 20-40 year old pipe smoker, interestingly), February 20 is International Pipe Smoking Day. The mission is to “foster links across the globe in honor of friendship, benevolence, and tranquility; and to celebrate the fraternity of pipe-smokers across all borders” but I think this is really about getting more people into the pipe smoking club.

I have some of my dad’s pipes here at the house and they’re definitely nice to have lying around but I don’t think I’ve been able to stomach a pipe since freshman year in college when I lounged around smoking Balkan Sobranie in my weird, lonely student apartment. As for fraternity – dude, you’re smoking a pipe. Unless your fraternity involves steampunk and sly witticisms involving Satre, you’re pretty much on your own.

I’m actually curious: how many of you smoke a pipe?

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