The Venture Hacks StartupList Helps Fledgling Startups Pitch Top Angel Investors

If you’re a startup looking for some early angel investments, you probably have a list of people you’d love to work with mapped out in your mind. Unfortunately, there’s also a good chance that you have absolutely no idea how to get their attention and pitch them. Today Venture Hacks is launching a new project that may help with that. Dubbed StartupList, Venture Hacks will start sending a weekly Email digest featuring three startup pitches that will get Emailed to some of Silicon Valley’s most respected angel investors. Venture Hacks founder Babak Nivi likens it to a DailyCandy for startups.

The project is a followup to the Venture Hacks AngelList, which launched yesterday. AngelList is a basic directory of over 80 established angel investors, including their all-important contact info (or, at least, the best people to get a reference through), what the investor looks for in a startup, and other key information. These members of the AngelList will all be receiving the weekly StartupList, which obviously makes it a huge boon to any startups that land a spot on the list.

Nivi says that the system is already working — after an initial release on Twitter they’ve had nine angel investors ask for intros to the startups, including David Cohen (Techstars), Mike Hirshland (Polaris), and WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg.

To get on the list, you’ll have to apply through this site. Your pitch will be judged by the two members of the Venture Hacks team (Nivi and Naval), who will be looking for traction, ‘social proof’, and a solid team (though you don’t necessarily have to be excelling in all three areas). Your elevator pitch will have to be kept to around 150 words, and you need to have a minimum viable product (as defined by the Venture Hacks guys).

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