Microsoft CFO confirms Windows Mobile 7 details coming next month

Cut to the Fox green room, as Peter Klein, CFO of Microsoft, prepares for an interview with Fox Business News

Flack: Okay Peter. You can talk about pretty much whatever you want during this interview. Windows 7, Bing, whatever. Just don’t talk about Windows Mobile 7.

Peter: Why not?

Flack: We’re just not talking about it yet. We want to make a big splash and surprise everyone at Mobile World Congress next month.

Peter: Doesn’t everyone already sort of know?

Flack: Yeah, but still. We’ve successfully avoided saying the words “Windows Mobile 7” for a long while now. Just don’t say anything.

Peter: Fine.

Five minutes later..

Peter: So uh, yeah. That thing I was supposed to talk about.. that wasn’t Windows Mobile 7, was it?

And here we have it, folks; if there were any doubts left as to what Microsoft would be announcing at next month’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, let them be cast away. Microsoft CFO Peter Klein just said it himself:

We are heads down working on Windows Mobile 7 and we will have much more to say about that at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February.

Cut to around 4 minutes in to hear it yourself.

[via WMPoweruser]

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