Hands-on with Kodak's Playsport and Slice Cameras

Kodak showed us their clever little Slice and Playsport cameras. The Slice is a touchscreen point and shoot and the SportPlay is a completely waterproof mini-camcorder. Both aren’t quite ready and will be available in the Spring of this year but both are pretty cool.

The Slice has a large rear screen with touch controls. You slide through photos with your fingers and then tap little icons to set sharing. Dave wrote up the main specs:

The cutely named Slice is a seemingly typical P&S camera, albeit with a 14MP sensor and the previously mentioned touchscreen interface. It’ll shoot 720p 30 FPS video, features image stabilization and a lithium ion battery, just like the other cameras in this market segment. Kodak really isn’t doing anything new with the Slice, however I will have to admit I do like the look of the little guy. The price may be a bit of a problem though, it’s going to MSRP for $350 which might be a bit steep for the casual purchaser. Expect to see the Kodak Slice at your favorite electronics retailer sometime in April 2010.

Video after the jump.

The Playsport shoots at 1080p and has an HDMI out along with an SD card slot for expansion. It is rubberized and the slots are kept safe and dry with little flaps. It will cost $140 Both will be available in April.

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