The Lexar Media Echo SE and ZE drives backs up your files "on the go"

So let’s say you’re “on the go” and you’re notebook dies. What do you do? I mean, you’re “on the go.” Well, you sure as hell don’t take it to Best Buy. Hopefully you have the Lexar Media Echo system in place. This little flash drive continuously backs up your files while you’re “on the go.” How clever.

These flash drives are designed to stay in a USB port so that they can always back up you files. The included software takes care of all the dirty work.

The difference between the two models is that the tiny ZE models are only available in 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB, while the slightly larger SE models are available in 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB flavors. Prices have yet to be released, but the backup solutions should be available in February here in the States, while Europe will need to wait a bit longer.

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