Justin.tv Unifies Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, And Their Own Chat

Many social networks these days offer some sort of instant messaging chatting element. The problem is that people are already chatting on a half dozen other services throughout the day. Justin.tv is launching a way to tie some of the big ones together on its site.

Its new unified chat option launching today allows users to pull their Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter conversations into Justin.tv. These are then all displayed in a single chat window that resides on the right hand side of the page.

Another big benefit to this is that it means you can now chat on Justin.tv without having to have a Justin.tv account. By clicking on the “Connect to Facebook”, “Sign in with Twitter”, or “Login with MySpace” buttons, you’ll be able to securely log in to any combination of those services to start chatting right away. Justin.tv says this was something that many publishers had been asking for since it removes a large barrier to entry.

As you might expect, this also allows you to easily port in your avatars from these other services. And of course anything you say by way of Twitter will be sent out to that service, which will help promote Justin.tv.

Look for this new feature to launch at some point today.

Update: Rival Ustream launched a similar feature in October, but with AIM in place of the MySpace integration.

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