Seedcamp Releases Its Dates And Cities For 2010

Seedcamp, the pan-European early stage startup programme that tours Europe to find companies for a week-long annual seed-funding event, has has given TechCrunch Europe exclusive access to its dates for 2010.

The original plan to hold a Seedcamp Week every year in London for a 3 year run, investing in a total of 15 companies in that period, has now changed. The emphasis is now on a regular touring programme of ‘mini-seedcamps’, a move pioneered this year with seven events.
In 2010 there will be 8 Mini Seedcamps (Spain is the new addition) and majoring on the Balkans and Eastern Europe which has produced previous Seedcamp finalists like Erply, Codility, Zemanta, Ubervu and Brainient. These dates will be:

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