CrunchDeals: Peek Pronto 50% off for 24 hours thanks to BlackBerry outage

In an effort to appeal to the nerd rage caused by the recent BlackBerry outage, Peek is offering 50% off the Peek Pronto for the next 24 hours. Use discount code BBOUTAGE5 at checkout. Full e-mail from Peek with more details below:

Dear Blackberry users,

We hear you had a widespread, global outage for much of the business day on Thursday.

We nearly missed our dinner date because of it — next time we’ll only dine with Peeksters!

It makes us wonder why people are paying all that extra money — 3x more than Peek in most cases — for that service.

“Enterprise-scale, world-class blah blah blah”, huh?

Peek is the easiest and most affordable way to stay responsive and on top of your inbox on the go. At least, that’s what the Wall Street Journal, Time, Wired, BusinessWeek, The New York Times, and others keep telling us.

And for disgruntled businesses that are overpaying to keep their people connected — try this code at checkout to save 50% on any Peeks you order in the next 24 hours. Only good on a Peek Pronto.


Or the best deal out there: Peek for Life at

Happy Peeking,

Amol Sarva, the Peekster-in-Chief

P.S. if you are a Peekster and you are getting this mail, now is your chance to forward this along to all those friends and coworkers who have been admiring your award-winning Peek. You’ll both get a free month of service when you tell us who you referred! :)

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