LeWeb: Storific riffs on hyperlocal, real-time conversation through social media

[FRANCE] Another startup pitching on their home turf is Storific, which is all about getting companies and customers talking to each other using the de facto social media avenues we know as Twitter and Facebook.

Watch the Storific pitch at 00:22:30

It’s your classic ‘opt-in for great rewards’ model that drives the plethora of email newsletter services which most companies still rely on as their mainstay of direct communication with consumers. In the social media space, this communication loop is scattered and disorganized, which is the problem the company is trying to fix. Co-Tweet provides a similar service which focuses only on Twitter.

Storific amps this up into a ‘real-time conversation’ between stores and customers, riffing on the hyperlocal theme by offering “local businesses the right set of tools to manage and optimize their real-time communication strategy” — including custom printed cards that the company calls StoriPacks.

Founders Michael Cohen (ex-Netvibes) and Gregoire Cachet say Storific will offer both freemium and white label versions of the service. The beta will launch in January 2010.

Storific’s service differs from other social media tools to engage consumers such as GetSatisfaction (which the company itself makes use of), or Facebook Fan pages and Twitter lists thanks to the built in support for geo-location specific offers which again tie back into encouraging local uptake.

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