Get excited: The Chevy Volt hits California late next year

Man, this thing is actually going to come out. GM said today that it’s going to release the Chevy Volt late next year in California, giving the Golden State first dibs on the car.

GM also said that it’s teaming up with local utilities companies, including Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison, to make sure the state is ready for the car’s launch.

You’ll recall that the Chevy Volt is really, very important, particularly for GM’s future, being one of the first, practical electric cars on the market, and one that’s supposed to travel some 40 miles on purely electric power and some 300 miles with the help of the on-board 1.4L generator. That’s good, I think.

Presumably it’s faster than Top Gear’s Geoff!

Can you tell I know next to nothing about cars? They have wheels, right?

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