Leaked: BlackBerry Bold 9700 and Samsung Behold 2 pricing for T-Mobile

There you were, just this morning, sitting over your latté. “When the hell is the pricing for the BlackBerry Bold 9700 and/or Samsung Behold 2 going to leak?”, you thought. Both handsets are coming within roughly a week or so, yet there was still no word on how much you needed to set aside? Pardon my french, friends, but that is shenanigans.

Fortunately, its been dealt with.

TmoNews got their hands on this pricing sheet, which breaks it all right on down: the BlackBerry Bold 9700 (review here) will set you back $199 on contract or, if you’re not lookin’ to sign your mobile life away for two years, a one-time payment of $449 bucks. The Samsung Behold 2 will.. cost the exact same amount on both counts.

Anyone out there preppin’ their wallets for either of these handsets?

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