Holy smokes: Fatale: Exploring Salome edition

Logging into PayPal for the first time in months this morning, I sent Tale of Tales $7 of my completely unearned money. It was $7 well spent. I bought Fatale: Exploring Salome, and I guess you can call it a game, but it’s not some mindless Halo or Madden nonsense. (Look at me, going after the big targets.) It’s just weird. Weird but great.

I’ve never played Myst, but I assume it’s a little bit like this, only Myst is a little more game-y. Fatale: Exploring Salome a first-person adventure game the explores Oscar Wilde’s Salome, a play about the biblical story of Salome. So already you know the game is different; how many games have you played that are based on a Bible story?

Do me a favor and look up the Dance of the Seven Veils.

If the game comes across a little like Silent Hill, that’s because the characters were designed Takayoshi Sato, that series’ character designer.

That’s a good thing.

I don’t know, I’m all over the place here. The game is just so unique that’s it’s hard to discuss in an intelligent manner. I can’t, at least; I’m not Edge, that’s for sure. But I do know that plenty of people talk about supporting independent developers, and I can think of no better way to do such a thing. There’s a Mac and PC version, which is also helpful.

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