Possible Wii 2 specs leaked? 1080p, Blu-ray, 2010, oh my!

Take this rumor like you would any other Internet rumor. You never know though, some of this info is new and might be true. A French website, Logic-Sunrise, is reporting from a very reliable source within the bowels of Nintendo that an update is played for 2010 and it’s going to be a big one. Well, big for Nintendo and on par with the current offerings from Sony and Microsoft, that is.

Logic-Sunrise translated by Google,

Everyone probably agrees that the Wii is past its prime technology-wise. Hell, it was sort out of date when it was released, but that hasn’t stopped it from winning the console war. Maybe the recent Wii price drop shows that an update isn’t that far off.

[thanks for the tip, Jon]

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