TweetMixx Launches Branded Twitter Channels

TweetMixx, the newly launched service from social voting site Mixx that allows you to find relevant links on Twitter, is venturing into new territory today with the launch of TweetMixx Channels. The service basically lets brands, celebs and companies consolidate their Twitter traffic and mentions on one page.

TweetMixx Channels features branded, customizable pages, with the brand’s current Twitter feed, tweets and updates from fans, and links relevant to content about the brand, company or topic posted automatically. The tool also serves as a tracking and monitoring tool for mentions and conversations about a brand taking place on Twitter.

Companies can create a customizable branded page with a vanity URL and can designate an “Insiders” tab within the channel which has a list of Twittering employees or users associated with a company.

Channels also include a “Chatter” tab that uses a list of search terms relevant to a company or brand to find both tweets and links that contain those terms; a “Links” tab that displays the hyperlinks containing matches to the list of search terms; and a widget to share and link to a brand’s site, blog, Facebook or MySpace page and more. Currently, TweetMixx has branded channels for PC Mag, the Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch, Duke University Basketball and others.

It seems prudent for TweetMixx to put their Twitter link discovery platform to good use for brands, as more and more companies and brands look to the microblogging network to engage with consumers. The site serves as a content discovery engine as well. TweetMixx also acts a Twitter client and features filtered search options, which makes it an all-in-one platform for both consumers and companies.

As we’ve said in the past, TweetMixx faces competition from TweetMeme, a popular engine for Twitter link discovery. TweetMeme also features branded channels, with WordPress, AstonMartin, and many others all including channels on TweetMeme’s platform. On TweetMeme’s channels, content is broken down by news, video and images whereas TweetMixx breaks the stream down by the Insiders, general chatter and links. also features analytics and information on links and will soon feature a link discovery engine of their own, but it’s unclear if it will include branded channels.

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