Sayabit Turns Files Into Sharable Short URLs

There plenty of ways to share files over the Internet (I like or Skype). But when you want to share something with the world, or a larger group of friends, the place to do that increasingly is on Twitter or Facebook. Today a new file-sharing service called Sayabit launched which turns your files into short URLs which can be passed around more easily.

If the file is an image, then the Sayabit link (like takes you to a Webpage where the image is hosted, just like TwitPic. But if it is another kind of file, it just starts downloading right away (this will soon be changed to also first take you to a landing page.)

Already, there is lots of competition among Twitter file-sharing services. (See TwitDoc, FileTwt, Tweetcube). Sayabit, however, also offers password-protected links so that you can control who you are sharing with a little bit better. And it gives you charts and graphs showing you how many times your file has been clicked on.

Sayabit is the first product to come out of Sayagle, a startup in Cambridge, Mass. which is working on a broader product portfolio.

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