Verizon Sent Us a Droid – Sort of.

Update: We reuploaded the video to fix the last 20 seconds, which somehow got corrupted the first time around.

About an hour ago, we received a mysterious package from Verizon bearing the somewhat-gorgeous, somewhat-creepy red eye that the Motorola Droid is now known for. We, of course, could hardly wait to tear it open – but not before we put up a shot of the box to give you guys a chance to guess what was inside, first.

Some guessed that it was a T-shirt; others guessed that it was a human head. Most guessed that it was a Droid.

And sure enough, there was a Droid inside that box. It’s just not the Droid that we – or you, most likely – were looking for.

Tucked inside that tantalizing cardboard pen was none other than R2-D2 (A remote control version, no less! Is remote control mobility part of the “iDont” campaign now?), two packs of batteries, and a post card reading “11.09 –”.

Sorry to get your hopes up, folks – but Verizon got ours up even higher.

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