Episodic Rolls Out Publishing And Management Suite For Online Video

Video publishing platform Episodic is rolling out its publishing suite that lets users manage and measure video content, and use the platform’s monetization services which enable ad insertion and credit card transactions for both live and on-demand video streaming. Episodic is hoping to make its mark in the online video publishing space by offering additional features for easy monetization, distribution and customization.

The suite itself is made up of five functional areas, including the ability to create video libraries, customer metadata fields, and the ability to encode. The player itself works on both the web and mobile browsers. Currently, Episodic is formatted for the iPhone only but Android, Blackberry and Symbian device support are coming soon. Interestingly, Episodic also offers an ad server that is interoperable with all major ad serving platforms, letting users insert ads into videos via a fairly simple process.

Like YouTube, Episodic also offers an analytics engine that gives publishers real-time metrics and reporting around audience engagement, viewer performance, network quality and the quality of the overall viewing experience. And the platform offers users the ability to syndicate videos to other destinations like Hulu, iTunes and Amazon. With Episodic, content producers can also build custom branded iPhone applications around their media.

Episodic is trying to make a name in a crowded space chock full of popular platforms such as Brightcove, Ooyala and thePlatform. But the startup is offering a simple and easy way of monetizing, analyzing and syndicating videos, so it may have success in gaining a following.

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