Say yes to double-sided condiment bottles

Oh Balloon Boy, your human interest story mesmerized us and gave us hope. But your misadventures lasted but a few short hours and like all minor celebrities, your fame is fading away like Marty McFly’s family members in that photo from that one movie where his car looks like a bird and they never really reveal how that professor makes money. He doesn’t teach any classes, that’s for sure, and his frazzled appearance would frighten most students. Wait, he’s a doctor. MD or PhD? What’s the story on this weirdo?

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that the world still needs something to hold onto. And that something may very likely be this double-sided condiment bottle.

Perhaps the most heart-breaking aspect of this very simple solution to a complex problem is that it doesn’t actually exist in the marketplace yet. And to be honest, I can’t believe this idea hasn’t surfaced before. Maybe it has. All I know is that a) I’d buy it and b) they should do this for toothpaste too.

Designed by Kai-ye Lei.

[via Yanko]

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