What is it with all these Swedish startups? Videoplaza signs new UK deal

[Sweden] First they found a way to make music streaming legal and free, now they’re trying to bring more TV content online through an advertising platform. I’m talking about Swedish entrepreneurs of course. This week Swedish ad-server Videoplaza has signed another deal with a UK company, branching out into a wider European market.

They’ve signed on Myvideorights.com, a company that works as a link between video producers, publishers and advertisers. Videoplaza signed its first UK deals in June this year, with Factory Media and Incisive Media.

Videoplaza has already secured some pretty significant deals in Scandinavia and partnered up with several big media companies in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

The company was picked by two of Sweden’s biggest business magazines Affärsvärlden and Ny Teknik as one of the hottest 33 Swedish tech companies of the year. Another big name on the list was of course Spotify. Interestingly enough both companies have received funding from venture capital investors Creandum.

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