IntuiLab lets you blow things up with your hands.

New games are always a cause for excitement. Ubisoft’s R.U.S.E. is a highly anticipated RTS set to release early 2010. But even cooler is the fact that you can play it on one of IntuiLab’s large multi-touch tables, and kill things just by touching them.

The announcement that R.U.S.E. would use IntuiLab’s IntuiFace Platform came at E3 2009, but this video is the first evidence of it actually happening. This marks the first step in a new way of experiencing video games. From the video, it seems that it’s not as responsive as a tried-and-true keyboard and mouse, so don’t expect these setups at any pro gaming tournaments anytime soon. But this setup is just to cool to look away. Next-step, holograms.

via Nowhereelse

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