MG Goes Gaga Over Google Wave On TV

Video GamesE3 2009Attack of the Show

The much awaited release of Google Wave is now taking place; with 100,000 lucky users getting invites to use the ambitious online communication and collaboration platform. Wave was first unveiled at Google I/O back in May, with Google co-founder Sergey Brin telling us that the product “will set a new benchmark for interactivity.” Our very own MG Siegler appeared yesterday on G4’s Attack of the Show to explain what’s so special about Wave and how it could change the web.

MG says that Wave can best be characterized as email, plus instant messaging, plus real-time collaboration wrapped up in one package. One of the key components of Wave is its open-source platform, which encourages developers to build games, messaging, and other types of applications on top of Google Wave. But it’s still yet to be determined whether Wave will take off; it could face backlash. Watch the video above for more.

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