Mountain Hardwear Refugium Jacket keeps you warm and your gadgets charged

Genius! The Mountian Hardwear Refugium Jacket is simply genius. The winter jacket has a battery pack by Ardica that – get this – heats the coat and can charge your gadgets. Amazing! Too bad it’s eff’n expensive.

The jacket without any the battery system costs $230, but once you add on the hotness, that price rises to $375. Then for another $50, you can plug in any USB-powered device to charge it. But you also get up to 8.6 hours of core-warming heat and nearly limitless charging capability for your gadgets.

Obviously the system isn’t for everyone, but if money isn’t an issue and you’re have Green Bay season tickets, I would think that buying this jacket is a no-brainer. Just think, you wouldn’t have to wear a three sweatshirts and a snowmobiling outfit to watch the Packers in December.

[Mountain Hardwear via UrbanDaddy]

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