Dopplr confirms being acquired by Nokia, says nothing will change (for now)

So finally the official word is in, with a very short blog post by CEO Marko Ahtisaari: Dopplr has been acquired by Nokia.

Update: Nokia’s press release

Update 2: Dopplr angel investor Martin Varsavsky on the deal: ‘Nokia as a force of good in the European start up scene’

No word on price, but when Michael Arrington broke the news last week on TechCrunch, he wrote that Nokia had picked up the fledgling company for between €10 million and €15 million ($15 million – $22 million based on current exchange rates).

Ahtisaari doesn’t share any details about the acquisition, other than the fact that Nokia ‘shared their vision of Social Atlas‘, and also adds that nothing will change about the service short-term:

The acquisition does not change the current Dopplr service which is available at and on platforms where Dopplr is integrated, like Flickr and Twitter. As always, if you so wish, you can get a copy of your data from your account.

TC first covered Dopplr back in 2007 when it closed on seed funding, of which they supposedly raised only €1.25 million or so in total.

Mike Butcher did a very good analysis of Dopplr last week, titled: “Congrats to Dopplr? Maybe. But before the champagne, some context” which you want to reread if you’d like to learn more about the startup and the deal.

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