Japanese company sells mini USB projector

A Japanese company called Sanwa is selling the 400-PRJ001 [JP], a portable projector that can be connected to your PC via USB (you’ll need two ports). Sized at 62.1×18.6×89.3mm, the device is really tiny and weighs 85g.

Put the projector between 20 to 200cm away from the wall and you’ll be able to view images that are 7.5 to 75cm high and 10 to 100cm wide. The device produces images with 640×480 resolution, which isn’t great but should be enough for most business presentations, for example.

The LCOS device costs $220 and is available from today. It’s exclusively available through Sanwa’s online store, which is available  in Japanese only. Contact the Japan Trend Shop or Geek Stuff 4 U if you want to get one shipped outside Japan.

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